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KdlDoc = seq[KdlNode]
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KdlError = object of CatchableError
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KdlLexerError = object of KdlError
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KdlNode = object
  tag*: Option[string]
  name*: string
  args*: seq[KdlVal]
  props*: Table[string, KdlVal]
  children*: seq[KdlNode]
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KdlParserError = object of KdlError
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KdlPrefs[T] = object
  path*: string
  default*: T
  content*: T
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KdlProp = tuple[key: string, val: KdlVal]
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KdlVal = object
  tag*: Option[string]
  case kind*: KValKind
  of KString:
    str*: string
  of KFloat:
    fnum*: float
  of KBool:
    boolean*: bool
  of KNull, KEmpty:
  of KInt:
    num*: int64
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KValKind = enum
  KEmpty, KString, KFloat, KBool, KNull, KInt
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