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kdl-nim is an implementation of the KDL document language v1.0.0 in the Nim programming language.


nimble install kdl


Parsing KDL

kdl-nim parses strings, files or streams into a KdlDoc which is a sequence of KdlNodes.

Each KdlNode holds a name, an optional type annotation (tag), zero ore more arguments, zero or more properties and optionally children nodes. Arguments are a sequence of values, while properties are an unordered table of string and values. Arguments and properties' values are represented by the object variant KdlVal. KdlVal can be of any kind KString, KFloat, KBool, KNull or KInt.


import src/kdl
let doc = parseKdl("node (i8)1 null key=\"val\" {child \"abc\" true}")
  # You can also read files using parseKdlFile("file.kdl")
assert doc ==
      args = @[initKVal(1, "i8".some), initKNull()],
      props = {"key": initKVal("val")}.toTable,
      children = @[initKNode("child", args = @[initKVal("abc"), initKVal(true)])],

Reading nodes


import src/kdl
let doc = parseKdl("(tag)node 1 null key=\"val\" {child \"abc\" true}")

assert doc[0].name == "node"
assert doc[0].tag.isSome and doc[0].tag.get == "tag" # Tags are Option[string]
assert doc[0]["key"] == "val" # Same as doc[0].props["key"]
assert doc[0].children[0].args[0] == "abc" # Same as doc[0].children[0].args[0]

Reading values

Accessing to the inner value of any KdlVal can be achieved by using any of the following procedures:

  • getString
  • getFloat
  • getBool
  • getInt


import src/kdl
let doc = parseKdl("node 1 3.14 {child \"abc\" true}")

assert doc[0].args[0].getInt() == 1
assert doc[0].args[1].getFloat() == 3.14
assert doc[0].children[0].args[0].getString() == "abc"
assert doc[0].children[0].args[1].getBool() == true
There's also a generic procedure that converts KdlValue to the given type, consider this example:


import src/kdl
let doc = parseKdl("node 1 3.14 255")

assert doc[0].args[0].get(float32) == 1f
assert doc[0].args[1].get(int) == 3
assert doc[0].args[2].get(uint8) == 255u8
assert doc[0].args[0].get(string) == "1"

Setting values


import src/kdl
var doc = parseKdl("node 1 3.14 {child \"abc\" true}")

assert doc[0].args[0] == 10

assert doc[0].children[0].args[1] == false

# You can also use the generic procedure `setTo`
assert doc[0].args[0] == 3

assert doc[0].children[0].args[0] == "def"

Creating KDL

To create KDL documents, nodes or values without parsing or object constructors you can use the toKdlDoc, toKdlNode andtoKdlVal macros which have a similar syntax to KDL:


import src/kdl
let doc = toKdlDoc:
  node[tag](1, true, nil, key = "val"):

  person(name = "pat")

assert doc ==
  parseKdl("(tag)node 1 true null key=\"val\" {child (pi)3.14}; person name=\"pat\"")

let node = toKdlNode:
  numbers(1, 2.13, 3.1e-10)
assert node == parseKdl("numbers 1 2.13 3.1e-10")[0]

assert toKdlVal("abc"[tag]) == parseKdl("node (tag)\"abc\"")[0].args[0]
Furthermore there are the toKdlArgs and toKdlProps macros, they provide shortcuts for creating a sequence and a table of KdlVal:


import src/kdl
assert toKdlArgs(1, 2[tag], "a") == [1.initKVal, 2.initKVal("tag".some), "a".initKVal]
assert toKdlProps({"a": 1[tag], "b": 2}) ==
  {"a": 1.initKVal("tag".some), "b": 2.initKVal}.toTable

Compile flags

-d:kdlDecoderAllowHoleyEnums: to allow converting integers into holey enums. -d:kdlDecoderNoCaseTransitionError: to not get a compile error when trying to change a discriminator field from an object variant in an init hook.


Checkout these other useful modules:


proc pretty(doc: KdlDoc; newLine = true): string {.
    ...raises: [Exception, IOError, OSError, KdlError], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
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proc pretty(node: KdlNode): string {....raises: [Exception, IOError, OSError,
    KdlError], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc pretty(val: KdlVal): string {....raises: [Exception, IOError, OSError,
    KdlError], tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc prettyIdent(ident: string): string {....raises: [Exception, IOError, OSError],
    tags: [RootEffect], forbids: [].}
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proc writeFile(path: string; doc: KdlDoc; pretty = false) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, Exception, OSError, KdlError],
    tags: [WriteIOEffect, RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Writes doc to path. Set pretty to true to use pretty instead of $. Source   Edit